Here's our second post: a little explanation about the purpose of our blog

We love reading and we think that it is a necessary activity for well-being (as well as writing). We have chosen to create a reading blog already because we love reading but also because we think it is important to read but also to exchange about it. To read and to exchange are two complementary activities: we think indeed that we can even say that reading is an exchange. Exchange between the author and the reader, words and meaning, the reader and himself, the real and imaginary world. It is in this vision of literature as an exchange that brings people together and creates possible worlds that we have decided to create a blog on reading. That is also why our blog is for everyone! It does not matter whether you are passionate about literature or not. Our goal is to get people to enjoy reading, but in a popular format. It is not a literature course but an exchange, so it is important that it is dynamic and inclusive. It is in this spirit of openness that we will talk about recent books for the younger ones as well as older books or books from other countries. This is also why we attach great importance to the comments on our blog: the blog will find its raison d'être in the exchange with its readers.
We've decided to write our blog on literature for the simple reason that is it something that we all love. What will be particular about this blog, and as such make it stand out in an already crowded domain, is that alongside generic articles about specific books (informations about the authors, the era, our opinions on the book, a couple of quotes), we will include articles which aim at linking said books to our particular domains of interest, as we all are following different curriculums (sciences of language, philosophy, history, classic studies). This will allow our articles to open up readers to different views and as such discover aspects of the book they might not have thought of. All in all, it will be a blog made by book lovers who wish to share their love for literature but also for other fields, hence the people who will find our blog interesting will be those who enjoy reading and who are looking to know more about their favorite books!